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“Power 237”: insights from Dr. Evelyne Mengue A. Koung

  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:News

The book “Power 237,” which aims to elevate Cameroon to the status of a regional power by 2050, has generated considerable interest. The afterword, authored by Dr. Evelyne Mengue A. Koung, a well-respected editorialist, offers valuable insights into the nature and scope of this initiative. This article offers a valuable summary of her analysis.

Dr. Mengue A. Koung opens her discussion by questioning the relevance of a new work on Cameroon’s development, given the many existing studies and strategies, such as the GESP and the NDS30. However, she dismisses the idea of it being just another “cookbook,” highlighting the intellectual richness of the country and the export of its “critical mass” on an international scale. She emphasizes the approach of “Power 237,” which revisits these frameworks, rigorously assesses their strengths and weaknesses, and establishes a vision that is both “ethereal and pragmatic.” This carefully chosen oxymoron highlights the coherence between the dream of development and its concrete determinants.

The author of the afterword emphasizes the palpable energy that emanates from the first lines of the book. The rigorous use of real and updated data is combined with a forward-looking perspective, driven by the youthful dynamism of the initiators of this vision. This “youth asset” of Cameroon, with three-quarters of its population under 30, is presented as a key factor. Beyond sheer numbers, it is the driving force of this generation—deeply immersed in digital culture, globally connected, and hungry for knowledge—that captures the “the dream come true.” This viewpoint, anchored in the present while looking to the future, is not illusory. It is founded on concrete and actionable strategic planning.

It is fueled by a transformative mindset: one of a Cameroon embraced by its youth, ready to conquer the sub-region, Africa, and the world. Dr. Mengue A. Koung recognizes this as a “paradigm shift,” assertively championed by the author: to envision grand possibilities, to take risks, and above all, to empower oneself to fulfil one’s dreams.

This dream of power, as she articulates, begins with the audacity to think and act “out of the box,” a trait evident in Dr. Gweth’s methodology. The term “Power 237” embodies a bold transcendence of conventional limits. The vision for 2050 is framed within a spirit of conquest, adeptly combining various levers of power: hard power, soft power, and smart power.The idea of “warriors of development,” who engage in a co-construction of intelligence while mobilizing the synergistic axis of “territories-diaspora,” paints a hopeful picture for Cameroon.

Dr. Mengue A. Koung emphasizes that “Power 237” is an invitation to create possibilities, a call initiated by the author, for decision-makers, scholars, and experts to actively work towards “formatting of mindsets.” More than just a book, it is crucial to mobilize wills and direct them toward success through positivity.In this context, “Power 237” can serve as a “booster,” acting as both a catalyst and a driving force for action.

About Evelyne Mengue A Koung

Journalist, editorialist, and Head of TV News at CRTV, Evelyne Mengue A Koung is a rigorous professional with 25 years of experience in broadcasting (reporter, producer, evening news presenter). Notably, she successfully led the project for the very first all-news public service channel, CRTV-NEWS, which was launched on January 28, 2018. The channel has become a reference in the Cameroonian audiovisual landscape. She also holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences and teaches at the University of Yaoundé II, serving as the Coordinator of the Television Department at ESSTIC. Additionally, she is the president of the Cameroonian section of the Union of Francophone Press, one of the oldest professional associations in the world, present in 76 countries.

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