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Cameroon : Building a foreign trade power strategy

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On the 27th of February 2024, the African Centre for Competitive Intelligence (ACCI) hosted a crucial meeting at its Bastos headquarters in Yaoundé. Officials from the Ministry of Trade and the National Cocoa and Coffee Board (ONCC) gathered to develop a regional strategy for Cameroon’s foreign trade, aligning with the ambitious #Puissance237 initiative.

Titled “Cameroon: Building a Regional Power Strategy 2025-2035,” this stage of the #Puissance237 national consultation focused on enhancing Cameroon’s trade competitiveness. Dr. Mathias Mondo, a member of the #Puissance237 scientific committee, and Guy Gweth, President of the ACCI, led the session with utmost dedication.

Key Discussions and Commitments

The central theme of this #Puissance237 stage was “Creating an Ambitious and Realistic Trade Power Strategy.” Throughout the day, participants engaged in fruitful exchanges and reflections, fostering unity around the concept of power. The objective was to gather diverse contributions and deduce an immediately applicable regional power strategy, both at the sectoral and national levels.

Navigating an Evolving Economic Landscape

It is crucial to recognize that #Puissance237 unfolds within a global economic transformation, characterized by the rise of new economic players, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the challenges of climate change. In this context, the ACCI strives to position Cameroon as a leading force in Africa, mitigating risks and maximizing the benefits of this geo-economic configuration.

Concrete Recommendations from Productive Discussions

Following a day of intense and constructive consultation, representatives from the Ministry of Trade and the National Cocoa and Coffee Board (ONCC) showed unwavering determination to become key players on the continental scale. They are committed to collaborating with the ACCI on a coordinated and shared strategy that involves all national and diaspora actors. This pivotal meeting strengthened stakeholder cohesion and fostered a shared vision, ushering in a promising era of commercial leadership through a coordinated power strategy.

In Conclusion

Throughout the day, stakeholders delved into various aspects of Cameroon’s foreign trade power strategy. Experts, including Dr. Mathias Mondo and Dr. Guy Gweth, shared valuable insights on tools, methodologies, and the doctrine behind comprehensive or sectoral power strategies.

As the driving force behind #Puissance237, the ACCI serves as the benchmark pan-African institution for training, certification, and the establishment of frameworks for strategy, monitoring, strategic intelligence, and due diligence in Africa.

The Editorial Team