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Pelkins Ajanoh, the Cameroonian engineer who developed a solution to increase the shelf life of cassava

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Technology

CassVita, founded by Pelkins Ajanoh, has created a biotechnology that extends the shelf life of cassava, a nutritious but perishable root vegetable. The invention has attracted and retained the attention of #Puissance237.

Pelkins Ajanoh is an extremely talented individual, born in Limbé, Cameroon. From a young age, he demonstrated exceptional intelligence and motivation, earning the highest score on the GCE Advanced Level in the country.

After immigrating to the United States, Pelkins Ajanoh studied mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Not only did he graduate successfully, but he was also recognized for his academic excellence, receiving the Albert G. Hill Award and the Suzanne Berger Award for future global leaders.

In addition to his studies, Pelkins Ajanoh developed innovative solutions for large international companies. He worked as a machine learning researcher at EDF in Paris, where he developed algorithms that identified patterns between wind speed and direction, as well as defects in the electrical grid, using data collected from French meteorological centers and substations over a 10-year period.

Pelkins Ajanoh co-founded CassVita Inc, a technology-based company specializing in packaged consumer goods. Together with his childhood friend, he developed a revolutionary technology that significantly extends the shelf life of cassava, a highly nutritious tropical root vegetable that deteriorates quickly. With this innovation, CassVita is able to create an alternative to wheat and help the millions of farmers who normally lose 40% of their harvest due to rapid cassava deterioration after harvest.

For #Puissance237, Pelkins Ajanoh is an inspiring example of perseverance, intelligence, and innovation. His exceptional journey in the fields of engineering, technology, and entrepreneurship showcases his dedication and ambition to create a positive impact in the world. 

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