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Justine Nzweundji, the Cameroonian biochemist and virologist who developed a rapid HIV test

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Science

Justine Germo Nzweundji, recipient of the Young Talent Africa 2023 Award, is a Cameroonian biochemist and virologist from Mbankomo. Throughout her career, she has distinguished herself with incredible achievements in scientific research that have caught the attention of #Puissance237.

One of her most notable accomplishments is the development of a paper-based rapid HIV diagnostic test. While pursuing her doctorate at the University of Yaoundé I in 2014, Justine created this simple, affordable, and accurate test. The test provides results in just 20 minutes, representing a significant advancement in the fight against HIV in Africa, where access to traditional tests is often limited.

In addition to her work on HIV, Justine has also dedicated her research to combating malaria. She has focused particularly on drug resistance in malaria and has contributed to the development of new treatment and prevention strategies for this deadly disease that affects millions of people in Africa.

Justine Germo Nzweundji’s remarkable efforts have been recognized with numerous awards and distinctions. In 2019, she received the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award, which honors exceptional women scientists. In 2018, she was also honored with the TWAS-DFG Prize for Research. These accolades attest to the quality and significance of her research work.

Her rapid HIV diagnostic test has enabled millions of people to access reliable screening and appropriate treatment quickly. Her research on malaria also contributes to the fight against this endemic disease in Africa, paving the way for new treatment and prevention strategies.

In addition to her scientific achievements, Justine is a passionate advocate for girls’ and women’s education in Africa. She encourages young women to embrace scientific careers and engage in research to contribute to the continent’s development.

Justine Germo Nzweundji is an inspiration for the younger generations of Africans. Her dedication to science and commitment to improving health in Africa make her a role model. Her work embodies the hope and potential of scientific research to transform lives of young Cameroonians through #Puissance237 and contribute to Africa’s development.

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