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A rich history of leadership and entrepreneurship

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Entrepreneurship

Christel-Diane Wetche Youbi, a Cameroonian woman leader and entrepreneur, has a rich background that includes a master’s degree in international communications and an MBA. She cut her teeth at General Electric, holding key positions before becoming country coordinator in 2018.

Driven by her entrepreneurial spirit, Youbi christel founded A&M GROUP AFRICA (AM Group), a communications and digital marketing agency renowned for its creativity and responsiveness in the field of digital communications, events and audiovisuals.

Thanks to its expertise, the agency proposes innovative marketing and communication strategies to help its client’s position themselves as market leaders. This has been seen in their work with a number of organizations such as the United Nations, UNDP, UNECA and others, not to mention their support for the digitalization of SMEs. 

In addition to this, Youbi christel is also active within the Junior Chamber International (JCI), an organisation that aims to encourage leadership and entrepreneurship for the sustainable development of young leaders around the world.

The 2023 JCI World Congress was held in Zurich, Switzerland, from 14 to 18 November 2023, with more than 3,600 delegates from 132 countries. The event aimed to develop leaders for a changing world and create positive change. 

The theme of the Congress was “Challenging the present, creating the future”. Youbi Christel was elected International Vice-President, making her the organization’s representative across the world from countries including Benin, Togo, Niger, Gabon, Tunisia, Morocco and Syria.

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